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Ho’oponopono Workshop

Ancient Hawaiian Clearing & Healing Method

I’ve been guided to share a most powerful yet simple Ancient Hawaiian clearing method. Ho’oponopono is an amazing way to heal what is within us and free us from suffering. Suffering is a choice. I've recorded this Live powerful Ho'oponopono class and is ready for you now!

In this workshop I will share my journey with Ho’oponopono and show you how to easily bring Ho’oponopono into your life to live free and clear of current issues, past trauma and past life issues as well. I will guide you on a magical journey where you will tap into the power of Ho’oponopono to see immediate potential results.

This method is repeating 4 simple phrases over and over again till the issue has been cleared within. Ho’oponopono states that we are 100% responsibility for all that is in our reality. We created it. Whether is while in this life or prior to incarnating and deciding what we will and/or must experience in this life. That means while we don’t want nor would we ever wish for trauma or horrible challenges as the good humans we are; in truth our higher selves with the Divine agreed to go through certain things as a part of our souls blueprint for life to grow and evolve. We knew coming to Earth in this Lower density energy would bring challenges: ups and downs/ Yin and yang.

These things we see that are in our awareness are opportunities to send healing and cleansing. Using this method is truly a powerful way to do this. We say:

I’m sorry
Please forgive me
I love you
Thank you

Ho’oponopono takes into account the totality of ALL lives, what you did in past lives thousands of years ago might be done to you now, or not. But come to it clean anyway. Your goal is not how the other person acts or reacts or if they apologize, that is ego. Your goal is to clean the energetic part you may have contributed to this experience and leave clean. Know that you do not know. The more on this path the more that is clear that we do not know much. Come learn and journey with me and the magic of Ho’oponopono.

To purchase this Live Recorded class:




Once you have prepaid for class, please email me to officially to confirm payment was received.



2022 Refund Policy



If you are a no show for your session, the session will be considered a donation. Thank you.

There are no refunds on event tickets. It will be considered a donation towards the event costs. Thank you for understanding and supporting the Event and our work in Service.

Prices subject to change.

Margaret Anderson aka Maggie Anderson of Maggie's Bliss does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a replacement form of treatment for physical, mental or medical problems by your doctor either directly or indirectly. Maggie Anderson's intention is to offer a variety of information and tools to help the reader in their quest for spiritual growth, emotional and physical well-being.

No portion of this site can be reprinted without express permission.

Copyright © 2024 | Maggie Anderson. All Rights Reserved.

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Maggie Anderson does not diagnose, cure, prevent or treat disease. If you have a medical condition or concern, please consult an appropriate health care professional. Information provided has not been evaluated by any government agency or regulatory organization, including the FDA. We can legally say that the treatments do provide relaxation and stress relief, which has been shown to be a contributor to most issues emotionally and physically. There is ample research showing the effectiveness of techniques.

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Maggie's Bliss

Sedona, AZ

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