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Mystic Soul 2022

Spheres of Priestessing


Become a Certified Priestess! 2022’s Mystic Soul Priestessing classes, LAUNCHING JANUARY 1, 2022, will help you expand what it means to be a priestess and healer. As you intend to join, the healing magic already begins! You will shift your energy, reveal your spiritual gifts and connect with the formless world around you. Your Soul is rebirthed with more of your higher self. Join the ascension process with intention and watch your life catapult into new realms of consciousness.🦋 Learn about the 13 Spheres of Priestessing, Sacred Priestessing Tools—crystals, essential oils, sound tools and more. Are you ready to rediscover your magic? 💕

All your questions answered and all the details revealed today in the below video:

All classes have been recorded Live (3 a month)


Session 1: Shamanic journey to receive your Munay-Ki Rites

Session 2: 13 Spheres of Priestessing on the 13th, Goddess Day

Session 3: Sacred Priestessing Tools and Live Q&A




Sacred Priestessing techniques and Ancient Goddess Celestial wisdom.



$77 a month for the ENTIRE Priestessing Program


Save $213 and Pay $711 for the ENTIRE year NOW!


My Priestessing program awakens the Goddess within, connects you with your Priestess self and your Elder Coucil, Star Elders, Animal Teachers and Ancient Medicine Elders of the past! This program is inclusive of the stars.



As I’ve channeled in journey, my Higher Self, Star guides, Spirit guides, Elders and Ancient ones have called to me to offer this culmination of integrated energetic practices from the Galactic energies and Shamaness roots! The changes will often seem small within you. But these transformations in you transmute the old into something new…your future luminous self now.

You are more Powerful than you know!


Shamanic Journey to Receive your Munay-Ki Rites

The prophecies of the ancient Americas speak about a period of great transformation, and foretell of a new human appearing on the planet – persons of wisdom and power who live free of fear and abide in their eternal nature, Homo luminous. The Munay-Ki are the nine great rites of initiation that heal us and transform our energy fields into pure light. The Munay-Ki are the codes for this new human. 

It’s magical and powerful, if not hard to explain. It’s ancient and futuristic. It pulls the past and future to you. It collapses time and space. It takes you outside of time and space and realigns your DNA making you healthier and more luminous. It’s a unique and yet similar experience to all. It’s wise. The magic is in the sharing of it. You are homo sapien becoming homo luminous.💖
You’ll know this is for you because you will feel the call deep within your soul. The conscious understanding of their magic and power comes later, after you’ve received the rites and witnessed their transformative power for yourself. You want to expand beyond your current sensory capacity and feel a deeper communion with all of creation: life, Mother Earth, the elements, and the dimensions of non-ordinary reality. You desire holding a higher vibration of true love...the pure Source of all creation...all within your body and being. You’ll connect with the Shamanic lineage of these rites. You desire raising the vibration of our planet and all of humanity. The Munay-ki comes from a Quecha word that means “I love you”. The Munay-Ki are the nine rites of initiation to become a person of wisdom and power who has accepted the stewardship for all creation.

After you complete the entire program, you will receive a FREE PI STONE and your MUNAY-KI RITES CERTIFICATE enabling you to offer others the Munay-Ki Rites!

January: 13 Munay-Ki Womb Rite
February: Munay-Ki Healers Rite
March: Munay-Ki Bands of Power Rite
April: Munay-Ki Harmony Rite
May: Munay-Ki Seer Rite
June: Munay-Ki Daykeeper & Wisdomkeeper Rites
July: Munay-Ki Earthkeeper Rite
August: Munay-Ki Starkeeper Rite
September: Munay-Ki Creator Rite
October: Shamanic Death Rites
November: Surprise Activation
December: Surprise Activation


13 Spheres of Priestessing

See the Sacred in all life. As you intend to work on your ascension you become the alchemist in your life! You are the creator-the alchemist-of your life. Amplify your transcendance now. On the 13th of every month, we will meet for our 13 Spheres of Priestessing class. The 13th is a sacred Divine Feminine Goddess Day. Maggie will offer one Oracle Channeled Reading for everyone who is Live and anyone who submits their name with question prior to Maggie going Live for class. This will be for one card pull for one question or you may leave it open to Spirit. We will be diving deeply into the 13 Spheres of Priestessing. Each month will hold one energetic Sphere of Priestessing. These spheres are the Cosmic Energy forces of Priestessing. Please go here to Maggie's channeled guidance to hear more of how the spheres came to her. See below for each month's Sphere. To embody each Sphere of Priestessing Maggie will be offering divinely guided Goddess Activations and Healings. The energies of the Goddess will be powerfully infused in this entire program with guides such as Goddess Isis, Venusian and Pleiadian forces as well as Lakshmi, Kwan Yin and more. Each will be revealed as we approach that months Priestess teachings. Our 13 Sphere of Priestessing are:

January: Magic & Thresholding (Formless to Form, Reweaving)
February: Healing (Light & Shadowwork, Energy Transmutation)
March: Boundaries
April: Animal Kingdom
May: Trust (Empathy & Intuitiion)
June: Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine (Twin Flame)
July: Gridwork (Gaia)
August: Embodiment
(all aspects Multdimensional Self, Ascended Master, Gods/Goddesses, Going Vertical)
September: Compassion & Sacred Beauty
October: Death & Rebirth
November:  Alignment (Energy Flow & Truth)
December: Integration & Divine Neutrality


Sacred Priestessing Tools and Live Q&A

In this class we dive deep into Sacred Tools of Priestessing; crystals, wands casting/opening circle and closing circles, focusing and magnifying, vogels, smudging, essnetial oils, flower essence, candles, sound tools, feather clearing, Sacred tools within thyself (like healing palms). We will take a deeper dive with your questions. Q&A submitted before class or come Live!

Use of Divinity Tools and Crystals: The priestess often has a set of tools and crystals she goes to for energetic clearing of a space or person and amplifying a ritual. Lighting white sage, palo santo, or diffusing essential oils can help clear a space before a ritual. Holding quartz crystals can also be very magnifying, cleansing and purifying. A priestess practice is to cleanse crystals under the light of the sun & full moon to cleanse and charge them up. One may use feather wands to clear energy, or have sacred stones or talking sticks to use in a ceremony. Divinity tools can be made or found in nature and are also not necessary to facilitate a powerful ritual. We will go over many varying divination tools like crystals, runes, herbs and more.

January: Crystals and Crytal Gridding
February: Vogels & Shamanic Extraction
March: Runes
April: Synergy 12 High Freqency Gemstones
May: Crystals for Empaths
June: Sacred Love Gemstones
July: Lemurian & Recordkeeper Gemstones
August: Pendulums & Body as Pendulum
September: Essential Oils for Healing Youthful Beauty
October: Feather Magic
November:  Sacred Sound Tools
December: Breathwork & Meditation


Become a Certified Priestess


You will receive TWO CERTIFICATES at the end of my program! The first: Once you've completed all 12 months you will receive your Mystic Soul Priessessing Certificate! Priestessing is a life-long journey. This will further powerfully amplify your alignment to the higher service of being a priestess. The second: Munay-Ki Certificate enables you to offer this ancient set of shamanic rites to others.



$77 a month for the ENTIRE Priestessing Program


Save $213 and Pay $711 for the ENTIRE year NOW!



I can't wait to begin our journey together.
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