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13 Spheres of Priestessing

13 Spheres of Priestessing

A beautiful star...the brightest North Star begins my channeling. As I practice my 17 Breath Merkaba meditation I am transported. Drop into your heart, read this transmission, close your eyes and be activated. Hear your Soul's call.

I see this beautiful bright white North Star. The vision expands and I zoom out to see more. I am watching myself. My Middle Earth Tribe Elder is with me. His third eye glowing bright blue light always. The sky is indigo violet and filled with stars. The ground merges it's colors with the sky. This realm is vast! Made up of high frequency energy. My Merkaba spins faster and faster.

I know I am in a dimension of Middle Earth. I have not been to this part of Middle Earth before. This dimension location is to activate and expand my awareness (and yours)...third eye and crown chakra and every cell of our being. Our soul truly exists in every cell of our DNA. There is an activation taking place within my cells as my Merkaba spins faster and faster.

I see my Merkaba transform its shape to diamond and then vogel as it spins almost as fast as the speed of light. It's constantly moving, shifting and transforming; just as our souls do. I see the powerful Blue Pearl of Consciousness energy being sent and activating within me. My Tribe Elder is here to hold the sacred container for me and assist with re-awakening and activated more of this powerful Divine Source Light within me.

The spheres within and around my body expand into many spheres of Priestessing Transmissions, 13 to be exact. 13 is the Divine Feminine, the Goddess and a death, transformation and rebirth number. It's powerful and good luck!

There is no rush as all is happening in right Divine timing always. You are exactly where you are supposed to be right Now and in every Now moment. We only have to align and connect. It's our choice. Staying in alignment is work but rewarding energy work. What is your Soul calling for you in this Now moment of joy, peace, bliss and Love?

This is what I am exploring deeper in my Mystic Soul Priestessing program, launching January 2022. There is so much more to share. I cannot wait!

Please enjoy this month's Gemini Full Moon Winter Solstice Sacred Sound Journey! Tune in LIVE on the Winter Solstice on my Maggie's Bliss Facebook page for all the details of my new powerful Priestessing Program. Learn how to tune in and stay in alignment with your Soul Self, Activate your Heart center, Throat, Third eye and Crown chakras, receive an oracle card channeling every month, receive the 13 Munay-Ki Womb Rite and all 9 Munay-Ki Rites of Awakening, learn about Sacred Priestessing tools and sooo much more.

May you always know the Peace that dwells within.

Blessings, Maggie

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