Shakti Energy
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Witchy, Shamanic, Goddess Roots
All classes are recorded Live!
Class 1: Energy Stream Manifestation Class and Goddess Activation
Class 2: Sacred Sound Journey, Gratitude Day and Live Q&A
BONUS Classes: Journey with me for Medicine Wheel Sabbats & High Holidays
Shakti Energy Classes for Manifestation techniques
and ancient Witchy, Shamanic, Goddess wisdom
$77 a month for the ENTIRE Shakti Energy Program
Save $40 and Pay $499 for the ENTIRE seven months NOW!
Other methods of payment I accept are: Zelle, Venmo and Cash App. Message me for details!

Shakti Energy Classes
Become Certified in Maggie's Bliss' Shakti Energy Classes! LAUNCHING MARCH 2, 2024!
Honor your heart
Honor your truth
Support is ushering our way
Our guides and Angels want us to succeed
They want you to honor your heart and succeed in your years desire
In every moment tune in to your heart
💕It holds the truth of your soul 💕
We will Manifest with more ease as we connect to beautiful Energy Streams!
This course is an integrated approach of our witchy, shamanic and goddess roots
where we will re-reveal the creator you have always been! By removing the
blockages put in place during this lifetime as well as in prior/other lives we come back
into alignment with our highest soul self! Then you reach for what you always deserved
and are meant to experience! The joy and happiness as well as abundance in all
good things and our connection to the Divine!
Through the wisdom of my witchy, shamanic and goddess roots I will share with you the medicine teachings of the ancient ones. We will travel through the medicine wheel and you'll learn about our energy body (the chakras and Kundalini shakti energy) as well as connect to your Spirit Guides and Angels! We're tuning in to Egyptian Alchemy in your Goddess Activations and so much more!
2024 is an 8 year in numerology. This 8 year is an opportunity to transcend the ick and rise into your fullness to manifest like ever before! As above so below! This year is analogous to the Magician card in tarot. I've tuned in to Dragonfly archetypal energy for 2024. The Dragonfly is all about transcendence! Let's transcend the old past patterns and align with our Highest Soul Self Now!
These are auspicious times when we can manifest with ease. And manifesting during times like galactic alignments and full moons is powerful. There are time when the signs and synchronicities tell us it’s coming for us here and now. Listen to your Soul's guidance and shoot for the stars.
And then there are time when it comes straight from our soul through our heart chakra center. To connect to the highest version of ourselves getting us into Alignment. Our blueprint through our higher self comes through as our bliss and our bliss is our spiritual compass!
Our intention is powerful! When we see others who enjoy the abundance of that which we desire that is a sign that this is an energy we not only align with, but an energy we are meant to work with. These are Energy streams we can intend to call in to us!! This is not taking energy from others. This is observing the energy we desire and calling in more of that energy to us through the Universe's abundant energy Source!
There is this energy! This vibrant energy! Energy to work with, boost our vibration and its malleable to manifest our goals!! Grab hold of this energy and manifest your abundant desires with ease. Join me this year to work with manifesting your abundant intentions!
All your questions revealed in the video to come...

Sacred Shakti Wisdom Teachings
🌟Energy Stream Alignment Every Month!🌟
Together through our classes we will connect to 7 powerful Energy Streams. Are you ready to achieve your dreams? This is magical and powerful! It’s ancient and futuristic all at once. Collapsing time and space. We will go outside of time and space and realign your DNA making you healthier, abundant and more luminous. We will align to your soul's highest self. Each month you will receive an activation aligning with our Energy Stream of the month.💖
March: Souls Purpose Energy Stream
Shakti Goddess Activation
17 Merkaba Breath to the Akashic realm | Learn about Chakras & Kundalini Energy
April Energy Stream: Excellent Health
Sekhmet Goddess Activation
Holographic Healing, Crystal Healing
May Energy Stream: Love and Twin Flames
Kwan Yin Goddess Activation
Compassion, Heart Center, Ho'oponopono
June Energy Stream: Meet Your Spirit Guides
Higher Realm Spiritual Connection Activation
Psychic intuitive gifts (all the Clair’s) Trust, Medicine Weel, Elements, Boundaries
July Energy Stream: Joy Energy Stream
Hathor Goddess Activation
Joy and peace with the Angels | Candle Magic
August Energy Stream: Abundance
Lakshmi Goddess Activation
September Energy Stream: Shadow Work and Creativity (Golden Shadow)
Goddess Isis Activation
BONUS 28-day Soul Coaching (Shadow Visionboarding)
How did you keep everything from going off the rails? “It’s easy to keep a train on the tracks when it doesn’t move but it doesn’t go very far.” Conversely, change is our constant and your shadow will manifest as whispers and, if not worked on, you will then hear the screams. Do the work with me during this powerufl finale of the Shakti Energy program and transcend the ick! Rise like the phoenix!

Gratitude, Sound Journey Integration and Q&A
As you integrate the sacred teachings and activations from Class 1,
we will integrate through sound healing.
Sound is memory. As we connect through sound we align
to the energy streams of each month. Sound heaing helps heal us;
cleanse our body, mind and soul; and align us to our highest souls calling
Our second class is our powerful Gratitude Day!
What's one thing you're grateful for right now? Gratitude is scientifically proven to
assist us and enhance our mindset, manifesting abilities, and lives as a whole! 💖
Bring your questions and we can dive deep into whatever is on your mind
during our time together.
Journal prompts each month.
Readings and intuitive guidance for all.

Journey through the Medicine Wheel
BONUS Classes: Journey with me for Medicine Wheel Sabbats & High Holidays
Learn more about the Medicine Wheel, the four elements,
archetypes of the four corners, as well as directions. Gather knowledge
of all the sabbats. We will align with the high holidays of the equinoxes
and solstices that occur during our time together.
The Medicine Wheel events we will share together are:
Ostara, Spring Vernal Equinox, March 19
Beltane (halfway point to Summer), May 1
Litha, Summer Solstice, June 20
Lammas (halfway point to Autumn), August 1
Mabon, Autumn Equinox, September 20

Become Certified in Shakti Energy
You will receive a CERTIFICATE at the end of my program! Once you've completed all 7 months you will receive your Shakti Energy Certificate! This s a life-long journey. This will further powerfully amplify your alignment to your Highest Soul Self.