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Maggie Anderson
Jun 7, 2021
Angel Star Light Activation
DIVINE COSMIC MESSAGE Angel Star Light Activation June 2020 I stand at the edge of a cliff on a sunny day overlooking the ocean. I am...

Maggie Anderson
Jun 7, 2021
Shadow Work Middle Earth Vortex Activation
DIVINE COSMIC MESSAGE Shadow Work Middle Earth Vortex Activation Shadow Work Middle Earth Vortex: I begin my journey walking with my...

Maggie Anderson
May 26, 2021
Goddess Luna and Calm Energy Transmission
DIVINE COSMIC MESSAGE Goddess Luna and Calm Energy Transmission May 2020 The energy of calm, calm, calm is at the firefly of Goddess...

Maggie Anderson
Aug 8, 2020
Lyran Lionsgate Activation
DIVINE COSMIC MESSAGE Lyran Lionsgate Activation August 2020 I travel to Middle earth where my guides are waiting by a beautiful fire. I...

Maggie Anderson
Apr 13, 2020
Hecate and Shining Your Light
DIVINE COSMIC MESSAGE Hecate and Shining Your Light April 2020 I am led down to Middle Earth with Morgana and her Raven as my guide. I...
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