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Maggie Anderson
Nov 11, 2020
Twin Flames vs. Soul Mates
Twin Flames/Twin Rays vs. Soul Mates ​ Twin flames are elusive to many. Twin flames are defined as the ultimate partner connection. It is...

Maggie Anderson
Nov 11, 2020
Psychic Awareness
My Beliefs on Psychic Awareness ​ My beliefs and what I have learned regarding Psychic awareness/abilities and energies of the Universe....

Maggie Anderson
Aug 8, 2020
Golden Egg Shield
A Powerful Protection Shield ​ Years ago when I was psychically opening up for the first time I would experiment with different methods...

Maggie Anderson
Jun 1, 2020
Our Divine Energy Centers ​ Our Chakras are our main energy centers. Our thoughts, feelings and emotions filter into our Chakras and flow...

Maggie Anderson
Jul 7, 2019
How Do I Survive Being an Empath?
We are all Empaths on some level… ​ We are all Empaths on some level; some more than others. Empathy is so common these days and...

Maggie Anderson
Jun 20, 2019
Keep Your Aura Cleansed & Clear Always ​ To the left is an example of an Aura photo. Each time I have an aura photo taken it changes, and...

Maggie Anderson
Jun 23, 2018
Entity Attachment
Kundalini & Entity Attachment Entities – One of the many symptoms that may occur from a Kundalini rising ​ Please note that my book,...

Maggie Anderson
Feb 14, 2018
Ancient Hawaiian Clearin & Healing Method ​ It’s your peace when you are sad, it’s your Joy when you are happy, it’s your calm in the...

Maggie Anderson
Dec 1, 2017
Feng'g and Shui'g
Feng Shui…and the Bagua ​ Feng Shui your home, your office, and even your body! Feng Shui is multi-dimensional! Also, just like gravity,...

Maggie Anderson
Jul 26, 2017
Kundalini Pathway
The Awakening Path ​ Please note that my book, Divine Embrace, explains in detail Kundalini, Ascension and how you can work through your...
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