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Maggie Anderson
Jun 7, 2021
Angel Star Light Activation
DIVINE COSMIC MESSAGE Angel Star Light Activation June 2020 I stand at the edge of a cliff on a sunny day overlooking the ocean. I am...

Maggie Anderson
May 26, 2021
Goddess Luna and Calm Energy Transmission
DIVINE COSMIC MESSAGE Goddess Luna and Calm Energy Transmission May 2020 The energy of calm, calm, calm is at the firefly of Goddess...

Maggie Anderson
Nov 11, 2020
Twin Flames vs. Soul Mates
Twin Flames/Twin Rays vs. Soul Mates ​ Twin flames are elusive to many. Twin flames are defined as the ultimate partner connection. It is...

Maggie Anderson
Nov 11, 2020
Psychic Awareness
My Beliefs on Psychic Awareness ​ My beliefs and what I have learned regarding Psychic awareness/abilities and energies of the Universe....

Maggie Anderson
Oct 31, 2020
Live Your Authentic LIfe
Like I said above, what better way to give thanks this Thanksgiving than to live your authentic self and true essence. That which you are...

Maggie Anderson
Sep 21, 2020
Lighthouse Effect
Shining Our Light As you raise your vibrations you are like a lighthouse in a fog. As you come to realize this, you realize that with...

Maggie Anderson
Aug 8, 2020
Golden Egg Shield
A Powerful Protection Shield ​ Years ago when I was psychically opening up for the first time I would experiment with different methods...

Maggie Anderson
Jun 30, 2020
Past Lives/Other Lives & Reincarnation
Reincarnation? ​ For me past lives and the thought of reincarnation all started out wrong for me. The idea never sat right with me. I had...

Maggie Anderson
Jun 21, 2020
Kundalini: It's not what you think...or is it!?
Please note that my book, Divine Embrace, explains in detail Kundalini, Ascension and how you can work through your symptoms and more! ​...

Maggie Anderson
Jun 1, 2020
Our Divine Energy Centers ​ Our Chakras are our main energy centers. Our thoughts, feelings and emotions filter into our Chakras and flow...

Maggie Anderson
Apr 13, 2020
Hecate and Shining Your Light
DIVINE COSMIC MESSAGE Hecate and Shining Your Light April 2020 I am led down to Middle Earth with Morgana and her Raven as my guide. I...

Maggie Anderson
Apr 13, 2020
Have you ever had one of those days where you swear you did everything the same as your routine you’ve created for many prior days, only...

Maggie Anderson
Apr 13, 2020
Bee's Will
Did You Know… ​ Bee’s can fly. But what Bee’s don’t know is…they can’t fly. ​ Or can they? According to scientific research (you may have...

Maggie Anderson
Mar 21, 2020
See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil
Process Challenges but think positive and Don’t Dwell! ​ I was watching a Charmed episode the other night. It’s one I have seen a few...

Maggie Anderson
Nov 22, 2019
Patterns & Forgiveness
Excerpt from Divine Embrace by Maggie Anderson When a person comes to you for a healing repetitively for the same thing, there are things...

Maggie Anderson
Jul 7, 2019
How Do I Survive Being an Empath?
We are all Empaths on some level… ​ We are all Empaths on some level; some more than others. Empathy is so common these days and...

Maggie Anderson
Jun 20, 2019
Keep Your Aura Cleansed & Clear Always ​ To the left is an example of an Aura photo. Each time I have an aura photo taken it changes, and...

Maggie Anderson
May 17, 2019
Pleiadeans & the Pleiadean Lineup
The Pleiadeans connect with us in the present moment to assist us with the wisdom of our past and show us who they are, as US, in the...

Maggie Anderson
Feb 14, 2019
Dreams have meaning in all of our lives. Whether it’s a symbolic meaning or literal. Mostly it’s a symbolic release of your...

Maggie Anderson
Jan 9, 2019
Jeasousy & the Ego
Jealousy is a green bug that needs to be squashed. This is an ego emotion (one of many) that is based out of fear. Jealousy comes in many...
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